People are Stressed and Angry; Keep Your Cool, Your Customers and Others

February 15, 2023
75 Mins
Anne Sadovsky

All prices mentioned above are for single user access only. For multi-user access, kindly call us on (818) 584-2346 or email us at

February 15, 2023
75 Mins
Anne Sadovsky

All prices mentioned above are for single user access only. For multi-user access, kindly call us on (818) 584-2346 or email us at

In today’s world we have become accustomed to road rage, school shootings and many other displays of anger, hostility, and mental illness. Multifamily is not immune.  Residents get angry at each other and at the staff. Rent increases, late notices, noise complaints, parking issues irritate residents, and they take it out on the management team. Threats are made, doors are slammed, screaming at the staff happens frequently. Today’s consumer is living in fear, gets angry and frustrated easily. Too often we allow them to ‘pull our strings and act negatively ourselves. These behaviours trigger expensive complaints and a hostile environment. You can become more likeable and a peacemaker, not only to others, but to yourself.

More than 20 million cases a year end up before a judge. Multifamily managers get the brunt of hostility and threats to sue. For these reasons it is important to keep our cool, choose our words wisely and focus on retaining the residents. Take responsibility for being a peacemaker and a communication specialist.

75% of people who leave their jobs do so because of another person. 68% of customers stop doing business with any given business due to perceived disinterest/rudeness by staff.  Conflict is a four billion dollar a year challenge!  More than 20 million cases a year end up before a judge. Loss of productivity, emotional unrest, loss of relationships. You will learn usable techniques and how to calm people during trying times. Improve your communication/people skills and keep peace. 

In this webinar you will learn usable techniques and how to calm people during trying times. Improve your communication/people skills and keep peace.  This skill is critical to retention and referrals. The ability to calm others is critical to the safety of all concerned. It is also a matter of your own safety.

Webinar Objectives

You will learn usable techniques and how to calm people during trying times. Improve your communication/people skills and keep peace.

Webinar Highlights
  • To think before you speak
  • To know your company policies and the hot spots 
  • How to be cool under fire
  • Things you should NEVER say to a customer, team member.
  • You will get a list of magic words versus fighting words.
  • Plus, a list of things you should NEVER say
  • Situations you haven’t thought of that can become issues 
  • Homework: Role play behaviours that are calming and create a win-win ending.
Who Should Attend
  • Multifamily Property Managers
  • Leasing Agents
  • Maintenance Supervisors
  • Community Managers
  • Resident Relations Specialists
  • Property Management Staff
  • Property Owners
  • Real Estate Professionals

Event Registration


All prices mentioned above are for single user access only. For multi-user access, kindly call us on (818) 584-2346 or email us at

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky has been in the apartment industry five decades and is a former V P of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. Her credentials include NAAEI Advanced Facilitator, CAM, and CAPS. She is a contributing writer for many publications, had earned a Texas Real Estate license and certified Speaking credentials from the National Speakers Association. She was named one of the top trainers in the industry by Multi-Housing News and both the Brainstorming Conference and the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas have honored Anne with Legends Awards. Anne has chaired and served on many education committees for major conferences. She has coauthored several books and has...
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