Internal Audit Trends 2023

July 25, 2023
100 Mins
Dr. Robert K. Minniti
IRS CPE Credits: 2 Tax hour
July 25, 2023
100 Mins
Dr. Robert K. Minniti
IRS CPE Credits: 2 Tax hour

Internal audits play a key role in adding value and improve organizational operations. It also helps companies to achieve its objectives and improve the governance process, control and risk management. Internal auditors for companies, not-for-profits, and governments are facing new risks and areas of concern. From changing accounting standards, inflation, rising interest rates, workforce issues, COVID issues, regulatory issues, crime issues, supply chain issues, IT security and financial risk issues. What should internal auditors be doing to identify these issues within their organization. What are some best practices to include in their internal audit programs?

This webinar will discuss trends and issues internal auditors are facing in 2023.

Webinar Objectives
  • Identify trends in internal auditing
  • Identify high risk areas of focus for internal auditors
Webinar Highlights
  • External Audits versus Internal Audits
  • PCAOB Audit Areas of Focus
  • IIA Areas of Focus
  • Internal Audits Tips
  • Data Breaches
  • Internal Controls
  • Changing Technology in business
Who Should Attend

CPAs, CMAs, CIAs, CGMAs, CFEs, MAFFs, Internal Auditors, External Auditors, Managers, Audit Committee Members, and CFOs

IRS CPE Credits: 2 Tax hour

Event Registration

Dr. Robert K. Minniti

Dr. Robert K. Minniti

Dr. Minniti is the President and Owner of Minniti CPA, LLC. Dr. Minniti is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Forensic Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Valuation Analyst, Certified in Financial Forensics, Master Analyst in Financial Forensics, Chartered Global Management Accountant, and is a licensed private investigator in the state of Arizona. Dr. Minniti received his doctoral degree in business administration from Walden University, received his MBA degree and Graduate Certificate in Accounting from DeVry University’s Keller Graduate School of Management, and received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree from the University of Phoenix....
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