CMS Medicare Enrollment Process

Published by: Toni Elhoms

CMS Medicare Enrollment Process

As all of you know, the business of medicine is incredibly complex. And a big part of a successful revenue cycle is getting things right on the front end. And part of that is understanding these forms and getting your providers enrolled. So that they're able to build compliantly. And it's you would think that it would be a very straightforward process, but it's actually significantly complicated. So we're going to be talking today about the different form types. There are four main four type form type CMS form types, as far as provider enrollment, and organizational enrollment. So we'll talk about the different form types.

Actually, one of the most common errors I see is when providers or administrators that are working on behalf of providers don't know which forms to submit. So we'll talk about that. And we're also going to talk a little bit about the differences between a new enrollment and the documentation that's required for a brand new provider versus a provider that is revalidating their enrollment. So Medicare does require regular revalidation, we'll talk about the process for checking the status of provider enrollment. And then also the option to reassign your Medicare payments. So if your providers are working with multiple organizations, it's going to be really important that not only are their NPI tied to the appropriate organizations, but that their payments and reassignment of their Medicare payments is set to the appropriate organizations. So we'll talk about those processes. We'll talk a bit about the different entity types. This is always a big question of okay, which entity type in my type one, type two. So we'll go through that.

We'll talk about the forms individually, we're going to be going through the 855 V form, the 855 I form, and then the 855R forms. So we'll be talking about those three. And we'll actually go through and look at those applications together so that we can talk about some of the more complicated sections. So make sure that you have those documents handy. I do think that it's helpful as we're going through those for you to take notes, and so feel free to do so. We'll also talk a bit about the supporting documentation that's required with your enrollment submission. A big delay and getting enrollment forms approved and processed is having all of the supporting documentation that's required. So that's something that I see commonly missed. We'll also talk about some common errors that I see some best practice tips, and then compliance considerations specifically for enrollment.. I will just throw this out there I am recovering from COVID. So I'm hoping that I won't have any coughing spells or coughing attacks, so just bear with me.

So as far as our CMS 855 forms, we have the 855 a form which is specific to institutional providers, the 855 V form, which is going to be for clinics and group practices. And it also includes other supplier types. The 855 I form is specific to physicians and non-physician practitioners, also known as in PPS. And then the 855R form is for the Medicare reassignment of benefits. So, at some point in your career, you may have exposure to all of these forms are you may only be working with, let's say, the I and the R forms depending on the practice or organization that you support. But it's important that you have a working knowledge of what these forms are for. One of the most common things I see is a misconception between a provider enrollments versus a group practice enrollment. And a lot of people don't realize that you actually have to have a group. If you're if you're if you have a group practice, then that practice is going to need to have its own NPI and its own enrollment form, as well as all of the providers that are going to be attached to that organization. Another common questio...


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